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Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Time: 7:30PM
Location: Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Details: 91 min, France, 1973
Filmmaker(s): Dominique Benicheti
Special co-presentation with the Museum of Fine Arts Boston!
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Season Passes not accepted
A lost masterpiece of cinema, now beautifully restored and available for the first time in years, Cousin Jules was the result of five years (1968-1973) painstaking work by director Dominique Benicheti and cinematographer Pierre-William Glenn. Over that period, the team photographed and recorded the daily lives of Jules (Benicheti’s distant cousin) and his wife, Felicie, French farmers living alone in the countryside. The result is a ravishing and immersive work, in which we not only enter into the subjects’ world but also into the very rhythms of their lives – a record of a time and a way of life that has long ago vanished.
Post-screening discussion will be led by Alfred Guzzetti, Professor of Visual Arts at Harvard University and former colleague of the late director Dominique Benicheti
Filmmaker bio:
Dominique Benicheti was born in 1943 in Paris. He graduated from the National School for Applied Arts, National Superior School of Fine Arts, and the Institute for Advanced Cinematographic Studies (IDHEC) in Animation. He directed and produced more than 30 films; documentaries, scientific films, institutional films, and animation, and was a technical and creative consultant for many 3D and large format films. His expertise in 3D technology contributed to the success of The Futuroscope Park in Poitiers, France.
In 1975 he arrived at Harvard University, first teaching documentary filmmaking and then working for several years at the Jefferson Laboratories of Experimental Physics, and the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
When he died suddenly in 2011, he left behind several screenplays for 3D and large format films. Passionate about music, architecture, and science, Dominique’s aim in films was always to achieve through sound and image what words could not express.
The DocYard is an award-winning film and discussion series at the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, and which also sponsors special screenings and co-presentations throughout the year. Each screening is a new experience as we connect audiences directly with filmmakers exploring the documentary form through insightful post-screening discussions.