Current Sponsors

Founding Sponsors

Date: Monday, March 28, 2016
Time: 7PM
Location: Brattle Theatre, Cambridge, MA
Co-creators: Laura Poitras, Charlotte Cook & AJ Schnack
Website | Facebook Event | Tickets
Special co-presentation with the MIT Open Documentary Lab
Charlotte Cook will attend in person for Q&A with Sarah Wolozin, Director of the MIT Open Documentary Lab.
Launched in the fall of 2015, Field of Vision is a filmmaker-driven visual journalism film unit co-created by Laura Poitras (CITIZEN FOUR), AJ Schnack (CAUCUS) and Charlotte Cook (former Programming Director for Hot Docs) that pairs filmmakers with developing and ongoing stories around the globe. The mission of the Field of Vision unit is to combine artistic approaches to filmmaking with bold, investigative journalism. Inspired by Life Magazine and World in Action, the shorts and series emerging from FoV are being created by some of the top talent and most exciting new voices in non-fiction like Kirsten Johnson, Michael Palmieri & Donal Mosher, and Kelly Duane de la Vega & Katie Galloway. The visual documentary arm of The Intercept, Field of Vision is changing the paradigm for the creation and consumption of “news.”
The DocYard is an award-winning film and discussion series at the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, and which also sponsors special screenings and co-presentations throughout the year. Each screening is a new experience as we connect audiences directly with filmmakers exploring the documentary form through insightful post-screening discussions.